Custom-Made Plugs


Custom-Made Plugs in Victoria

What are Custom-Made Plugs?

Custom-made plugs are ear moulds designed for each individual person’s ears. They may be worn for a variety of reasons, including indoor and outdoor activities. Discuss the potential applications with your healthcare provider to see if they would be a benefit for you.

  • A woman is putting ear plugs in a young girl 's ear.


When to Use Custom-Made Plugs

While there is no limit to the number of uses for custom-made plugs, there are several popular reasons for getting some made. These include attending concerts, swimming, sleeping, and working in noisy factories or industries. If any of these reasons sound compelling, give us a call today.

The Custom-Made Plugs Process

The first part of the custom-made plugs process is talking with Hearing Aid Specialists about what you intend to use the plugs for. This will help determine whether or not our process is right for you. If it is, a mould will be taken off your ears, and the plugs will be quickly manufactured. They will be fitted to ensure comfort, too.

Products made specifically for you.

Need custom-made plugs? Let us know today.

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